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Legal notice

CNIL registration

The web site of the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), which contains specific informations concerning in particular the staffs of the IRD and its partners, is duly registered by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) (notice n° 533 924).

Right of access, rectification, deletion of the name specific data

According to the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, you have a right of opposition (art. 26) of access (art. 34 - 38), of rectification (art. 36) and of deletion of any data which concerns you. You can practice this right by e-mail at or mail:

Institut de recherche pour le développement
Pôle Web (DIC)
44, boulevard de Dunkerque, CS 90009
13752 Marseille cedex 02

Users have to make use of present name specific data on portals and sites in compliance with regulations in force and, in particular, with prescriptions and recommendations of the CNIL. The capture of the name specific information in purposes of creation of another name specific treatment (for example, in commercial or advertising usage) is strictly forbidden for any countries.



  • Publisher : Michel Laurent
  • Editorial director : Pascale Hancart Petitet & Claire Lajaunie
  • Chief editor : Gabriel Fauveaud


The web site is hosted by the IRD.

Copyright and Links

The reproduction on paper support of the pages of this site is authorized, subject to the respect for the following conditions:


  • free access of the distribution
  • respect for the integrity of reproduced documents (no changes of any kind)
  • clear mention of the site as source and that the reproduction rights are reserved and limited.


The electronic reproduction of all or any part of the site is authorized, subject to the clear and readable mention of the source ( ) and the mention " all rights reserved ".
Any use for advertising or commercial end is excluded.
The creation of links towards this site is authorized, subject to:
* Not to imbricate pages or any other contents (image, photography, document or video) of the site inside the pages of another site.
* To mention the source thanks to a hypertext link directly on the aimed contents.
This authorization does not apply to web sites spreading information with character polemical, slanderous, pornographic, xenophobic or susceptible to strike a blow at the sensibility of most large number.

Limitation of responsibility

The IRD checks the exactness of the spread information and updates regularly the site. However, IRD can not guarantee all the published information is exact, exhaustive and updated. The information has no contractual character and are subject to modification without advance notice.

The update of the information supplied by the users and the contributors is generally made as soon as possible, but can be delayed by reasons or diverse constraints. The errors, the omissions, the out-of-date information and the broken links can be indicated in

During the consultation of the site, the user besides has to make sure that his browser does not contain out-of-date pages - and has to, if need be, empty or deactivate the cache memory.

Hypertext links

Portals and sites of the IRD propose links towards other sites in touch with their contents. The presence of hypertext links towards other Web sites does not imply the approval of the information by the IRD. The risks bound to the use of these sites fall to the user.


Data imports, writing and editing of the French and English versions, presentation of the content : Claire Lajaunie

Photos credits: Emiko Stock (web banner and pages) & Pascale Hancart Petitet (pages)

Logo: Vincent Giavelli

HSPP network coordination : Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud & Léo Mariani make the network coordination team and promote the broadening of its activities.

Since April 2012, the team is working in close collaboration with Mr. Bong Sowat, Rector of the Royal Fine Arts University of Phnom Penh, Mr. Kong Vireak, in charge of educational programmes and Sapho Briand, international volunteer.