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Newsletter HSEPP March 2015

01 March 2015





Wednesday, 8 April 2015 – 2:00- 6:00 pm


The conference will be held (in English) at ToulKork Center, No. 51, Street 315 (located between AUPP and CDRI).Entrance is free, but please reserve a seat by sending an email to:


Co-sponsors: American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP), Cambodia Development Resource Institute(CDRI),Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh (HSEPP) and

Cambodia Economic Association.




Colloque International: “Image Du Cambodge: Mythe, Histoire et MĂ©moire”

Adresse: Archives Nationales, Archives nationales | Auditorium
59 rue Guynemer, 93380 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine | Métro Saint-Denis Université - ligne 13

Programme:10 et 11 Avril 2015,Entré Libre


Au moment de la commĂ©moration des quarante ans du gĂ©nocide cambodgien, le 17 Avril 2015, il est nĂ©cessaire de tĂ©moigner, parades manifestation culturelles et scientifiques, de la survivance et de la crĂ©ativitĂ© d’un pays qui a connu l’élimination de masse et la destruction d’une communautĂ© artistique. Entre 1975 et 1979, 90 % des artistes et des intellectuels ont Ă©tĂ© persĂ©cutes et assassins par le rĂ©gime des Khmers rouges, laissant une sociĂ©tĂ© dĂ©vastĂ©e. La construction politique, Ă©conomique et culturelle du Cambodge est difficile; dans ce contextedramatique, les artistes ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle essential, en particulier par un travail de transmission des arts traditionnels Ă  la nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration. Mais les jeunes artisans cambodgiens sont en quĂȘte de renouvellement; en questionnant le passĂ©, ils cherchent aujourd’hui Ă  comprendre la complexitĂ© de notre Ă©poque et Ă  relever les dĂ©fis de la mondialisation.


Cf.(2 piĂšcesjointes)




5e CongrĂšs Asie et Pacifique - sept. 2015


Suite Ă  la prolongation de l’appel Ă  proposition et au grand nombre de propositions reçues, les rĂ©ponses du conseil scientifiques sont dĂ©calĂ©es d’un mois et seront envoyĂ©es dĂ©but mai. Le calendrier est donc modifiĂ© comme suit :

‱ DĂ©but mai 2015 : Envoi des rĂ©ponses aux propositions reçues. DĂ©but des inscriptions.
‱ Mardi 30 juin 2015 : Fin des inscriptions pour les intervenants.
‱ Dimanche 04 septembre 2015 : Fin des inscriptions en ligne pour les autres participants.
‱ 9 – 10 - 11 septembre 2015 : Congrùs

Site web :

(Contact : )


Call for papers

Language, Power and Identity in Asia: Creating and Crossing Language Boundaries

Deadline : 15 May 2015

Conference dates : 14 - 16 March 2016

Venue : National Museum of Antiquities, Rapenburg 28, Leiden

The conference explores how linguistic differences, practices, texts and performances are of critical importance to political, social and intellectual power structures among communities in the past and in the present, especially through processes of identity formation. How do (and how did) languages shape borders - social, ethnic, religious, or “national”? Likewise, how do languages and linguistic communities move across these limits? In what ways do processes of hybridisation and multilingualism affect the formation of transnational or translocal identities, and how have they done so in the past? How have policies of language standardisation impacted on the political and intellectual spheres? What is the power of orality and performance vis-à-vis a variety of textual productions, through manuscript culture, epigraphical practices, print media, and the Internet?


Call for Applicants

Southeast Asian manuscripts at Penn and get training in digital humanities!

The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS) is now accepting applications for its 2015-2016 Graduate Student Research Fellowship. Guided by the vision of its founders, Lawrence J. Schoenberg and Barbara Brizdle Schoenberg, SIMS aims to bring manuscript culture, modern technology, and people together to provide access to and understanding of our shared intellectual heritage. Part of the Penn Libraries, SIMS oversees an extensive collection of pre-modern manuscripts from around the world, with a special focus on the history of philosophy and science, and creates open-access digital content to support the study of its collections.  SIMS also hosts the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts and the annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, now in its eighth year.

Applications are due June 1, 2015. For more information on the award and application process, go to:

 For more information on SIMS, go to For more information on the Schoenberg Collection of Manuscripts, go to On Penn’s pre-modern manuscript holdings in general, go to:




Appel Ă  candidatures de formation Ă  distance 2015-2016


J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement du nouvel appel Ă  candidatures FOAD 2015-2016.
Cet appel est accessible Ă  l'adressehttp://
L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) vous propose cette annĂ©e un site Internet complĂštement renouvelĂ©, mais toujours consacrĂ© Ă  la formation ouverte et Ă  distance (FOAD).
Tout en prĂ©sentant pour la rentrĂ©e 2015 / 2016 plus de 80 diplĂŽmes (licences et masters), entiĂšrement Ă  distance, il s’enrichit d’une offre de cours en ligne ouverts et massifs (CLOMs, en anglais MOOCs) issus de partenariats entre l'AUF et certaines universitĂ©s.





Le nouveau site des publications : Etude et Recherche(DĂ©couvrez AFD lib):plus de 450 titres tĂ©lĂ©chargeables gratuitement sur tous les sujets du dĂ©veloppement





‘Learning for Resilience; Insights from Cambodia’s rural communities’,Edited by Jean-Christophe Diepart.


Cf. Full text attached

Hard copies will be available at the Learning Institute:

#45 | Street 113 | SangkatBoeungKeng Kang III

 This book summarizes lessons learned from rural communities about ways they have tried to build resilience in the face of changes that have affected their social-ecological systems. The research program consists of a diversity of projects spanning the country and focusing on a wide variety of themes and issues. Each project addresses specific dimensions of the nexus of ‘climate change-food security-natural resources management’ but they are integrated under one common research


Anarchist Geographies, by Simon Springer


Micro-saturated The Promises and Pitfalls of Microcredit as a Development Solution

by Maryann Bylander


Lettre du GIS - RĂ©seau Asie etPacifique - Mars 2015
