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Newsletter HSEPP February 2015

01 February 2015

February 2015 Monthly Digest


Call for papers


Call for applications: "Scientific Objects and Digital Cosmopolitanism" Summer School
Venue: Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal, India
Dates: July 20-24, 2015

Deadlinefor applications: Monday March 23, 2015

Applications from post-graduate and doctoral students in the fields of philosophy, philosophy of science and social sciences, history and philosophy of science, science and technology studies, and cognate fields are invited to a five-day summer school in India, made possible by collaborations between institutions and scholars in Canada, India and Southeast Asia. This will be an excellent opportunity for graduate students interested in receiving advanced training in the philosophy of science and science and technology studies, with a focus on scientific objects and their relation to cosmopolitanism

Call for Papers: for a symposium entitled ‘The Emergence of Theravada Buddhism in Cambodia: Southeast Asian Perspectives on July 3 2015. 

DEADLINE: 15 March 2015.

Mainland Southeast Asia underwent major civilizational transitions when the Hindu-Mahayana Buddhist Angkorian Empire met its end over the 13th-15th centuries and Theravada Buddhism emerged in its wake. While Angkor remained a reference for the new states that developed across the mainland, Theravada Buddhism structured the cultural, social and political forms which continue to define the region. Given the importance of these changes, astonishingly little is understood about how it actually happened, notably in the Angkorian heartland itself.  By supporting interdisciplinary exchange on the Theravadin material heritage across the Southeast Asian region (including Sri Lanka) during this transitional period, the symposium aims to begin to redress this gap in our regional understandings.


Colloque International : Images du Cambodge : mythe, histoire et mémoire

10 -11 avril 2015 | Archives nationales

Auditorium | 59 rue Guynemer, 93380 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine | Métro Saint-Denis Université (ligne 13)

Au moment de la commémoration des quarante ans du génocide cambodgien, le 17 avril 2015, il est nécessaire de témoigner, par des manifestations culturelles et scientifiques, de la survivance et de la créativité d’un pays qui a connu l'élimination de masse et la destruction d'une communauté artistique. Entre 1975 et 1979, 90% des artistes et des intellectuels ont été persécutés et assassinés par le régime des Khmers rouges, laissant une société dévastée. La reconstruction politique, économique et culturelle du Cambodge est difficile ; dans ce contexte dramatique, les artistes ont joué un rôle essentiel, en particulier par un travail de transmission des arts traditionnels à la nouvelle génération. Mais les jeunes artistes cambodgiens sont en quête de renouvellement ; en questionnant le passé, ils cherchent aujourd'hui à comprendre la complexité de notre époque et à relever les défis de la mondialisation.

Appel à communications pour les Journées d’Études des Jeunes Chercheur en Études Asiatiques

 Lieu à l’Université de Bordeaux les 26 et 27 mai prochains autour de la thématique suivante Â« Frontières et mobilités des hommes et des idées en Asie Â».

Ces journées sont organisées avec le soutien du GIS Asie et de l’Université de Bordeaux.

Colloquium with Supeena Insee Adler and Christopher Adler

Topic: “The Cremation of King Norodom Sihanouk (Cambodia)â€

Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 (12:00 PM - 1:30 PM)

Venue: 10383 Bunche Hall
UCLA Campus
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Free and open to the public

In February 2014, King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia was cremated in an elaborate and spectacular week-long ceremony in Phnom Penh. Cambodian scholars reconstructed royal cremation rituals from archival evidence and adapted these to a modern, urban, multi-media context for consumption by common Cambodians and international dignitaries. Supeena Insee Adler, Christopher Adler, and ethnomusicologist Deborah Wong visited Phnom Penh to witness and document the events at the ground level.


Réseau Asia & Pacifique: Lettre n 66- Févier 2015.

Between war and peace: violence and accommodation in the Cambodian logging sector, by Simon Springer

War and pieces

by Simon Springer

Towards safe abortion access: an exploratory study of medical abortion in Cambodia, by Pascale Hancart Petitet, Leakhena Ith, Melissa Cockroft, Thérèse Delvaux. p47–55.

Contested mobilities: gendered migration pressures among Cambodian youth

by Maryann Bylander

Media and the Geographies of Climate: Indigenous Peoples, Nature and the Geopolitics of Climate Change, by Matthew Tegelberg and Anna Roosval

The Fallout: Invisible Geographies Beyond the Liquid Eye, by Simon Springer

Moated Sites: a Political Economy Approach

by Dougald O'Reilly

Neoliberalism as discourse: between Foucauldian political economy and Marxian poststructuralism, by Simon Springer

The Ties that Bind: The Role of Hmong Social Networks in Developing Small-scale Rubber Cultivation in Laos, by Ian Baird


MIXED MEDECINES HEALTH AND CULTURE IN FRENCH COLONIAL CAMBODIA de SOKHIENG AU Compte rendu d'ouvrage paru dans la revue Aséanie,num 31. Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient,Bangkok p 169-172

by Pascale Hancart Petitet


Highlights of the Draft Constitution B.E. ... [2007]. Press Release, Constitution Drafting Committee, Constitution Drafting Assembly

by Michael H. Nelson

The Role of Community Mediation in Addressing Gender-based Violence [in Nepal]

by Laura McGrew